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Join date: Aug 23, 2019


I have always loved writing. After 31 years of another career, raising four children, moving 15 times, and learning how to work the newest apps on my phone, I decided it was time to return to what I love, writing. Since picking up writing again, I have written six books, five children’s and one YA since 2020.


Depending on the book, the children’s stories have lessons learned, feel-good endings, and often exciting adventures with magical creatures and forest animals.


The YA book is rather scary for a short read; I spent more time developing the characters, picking up the style of Edgar Allan Poe-one of my favorite writers of the past.


Here below is a list of books currently out:


Melissa Moo Moo’s Special Lesson

Melissa Moo Moo’s Lessons with Friends

The Adventures of Boomer and Echo

The Thing About Imaginary Friends

The Costly Wish (YA)

The Great Deception, A Children’s Bedtime Story Book


I plan to continue writing as I have a wildly active imagination.





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